Opossum Love

I am happy to report that they are very nice pets. Clean and non-aggressive. I understand that they are very resistent to disease and very rarely carry rabies.
Find out more at www.possumrescue.com
I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!
I'm watching a Daniel Autielle film on DVD. Worked the menu and was able to get the subtitles in French too. What a great language tool. If they'd had this when I was a kid, I'd be tri-ignorant by now. Doesn't it make you just want to vote our pin-headed congress the hell out of town? Such shameless pandering to ignorant zenophobes; they ought to be funding language education in every public school in the country. Instead, we get the dumb'em down brainwash with a chief exec who's not even fluent in his native tongue.
and Bush is signing a measure (constitutionally challenged, of course) to prevent protesters from disrupting military funerals . I wonder why we can't go after the real culprit. What is it that makes Fred Phelps of the so called Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka Kansas untouchable? Phelps and his family cult travel the country flogging their old testament gay bashing. Remember them at Matthew Shepard's funeral with their "God Hates Fags" signs. Now they've been haunting military funerals. Reminds me that nobody looked into Vernon Howell untill the UPS driver complained because hand grenades were falling out of his packages.
Long tradition of Texas outlaws
Last week the RNC's James Tobin became the third republican to come away from Federal District Court with a jail sentence for his part in a vote-supression scheme in the 2002 New Hampshire Senate election. These clowns spent $15,000 to swamp phone banks set up by the State Democratic Party and the Manchester Firefighters Union. Coincidentally, they received three $5,000 contributions from Jack Abramoff associated groups, the Agua Caliente Cahuilla Tribe, The Mississippi Choctaws, and Tom DeLay's own ARMPAC. In the three days before the election, Tobin made 25 phonecalls to the White House, But according to RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman, the calls did not involve the phone jamming. Mehlman may get his own chance to testify about it in an upcoming civil case. Maybe he can explain why the RNC has paid 2.5 million dollars to the Washington firm Williams and Connoly to defend Tobin against these charges.
Lou Carrol, decorated army vet who fought at the Battle of the Bulge, died in Barrington Ill. He was 83. In the 1950's, Carrol was a toy monger for Milton Bradley who stole Liquiddaddys cocker spaniel pup and gave it to Nixon to kick around. Nixon soon mentioned the dog in his famous "suckers" speech, trying to feign a "human side" and elicit public sympathy after the press revealed the existence of his $18,000 slush fund.
Some have asked me why so many obits?
Now that we're allready doomed, the Bushies are rolling out their response plan for a flu pandemic. Not surprisingly, this entails billions of tax dollars for multinational corporations, and martial law. Isn't that these peoples answer for everything? Remember the anthrax scare a few years ago? Back then, public health officials pointed out that this countrys health care delivery system is in a shambles. I recall that I once found it odd to come across people stalled in the lobby of a medical building because they couldn't remember the name of their doctor. Ten years and five insurance plans later, I no longer find that remarkable. Meanwhile, MegaMedBizz plays monopoly with the hospital systems, building them up in the good markets, and shutting them down where the big money ain't. "The market" is not going to provide quality healthcare to the bottom half of the demographic, even though we pay more for healthcare than people in any other developed country. Short sighted: Doesn't anybody remember The Masque of the Red Death?
Houston rapper, Big Hawk, friend and associate to the late music-master DJ Screw, was gunned down today by an unknown assailant.