Looking Down the Road

Something Paul Burka said the other day about how John Cornyn might want to keep his head down for a while or he might get targeted by the DNC in the next election was so astonishing in its dead-eyed giggling idiocy that I have remained bothered ever since.
This is the David Broder of Texas politics?
So when Burnt Orange Report published this morning some thoughts along the lines of the following, I immediately wanted to second the emotion by passing this on:
Mr. Cornyn seems to think there is only one ideology in Texas. Yes, it is good for Texas if its Senators are on leadership teams within their parties. However, Senator Cornyn fails to remember that more exists besides "his side of the aisle."
It would be a good thing for Texas to have a Senator in the majority party. It would also be a good thing for Texas to have all of its main ideologies represented. Not to mention, I wouldn't have so much to complain about if one of those Senators was not disapproved more than approved within the state.
Today signifies a high time for Texas to have a Senator that is willing to work for all Texans, not just those on one "side of the aisle." Senator Cornyn, your time as a "leader" may be running out.
Even John Tower was strictly middle- of-the-road compared to standards now. Texans are not Kansans. There might be a lot of similarities about how they sleep with their guns, punish women for being women and remain wistful about burning gays in a bonfire, etc.; however, Texans have always sucked deeply from the government trough, and come November next time, there won't be much for two knuckle draggers from the party on the outs.
Curl up with your box turtle and suck on that you America-hating scum!
Oh, Senator McJesushumper, you poor thing. Those same suburbanites that were oiling your feet and volunteering in throngs to be the first to throw little Pedro down the well, are now the first to que in line for "debt relief" as born-again new dealers now that their McMansions are worthless shit piles.
Like the ZDD moto says, "We're not stupid, we're from Texas!"