Had a fine time in Toytown, where they get all those fine Tom Toles cartoons like this one. The Buffalo News’ lead editorial Friday pointed to this crisis, reporting that health insurance premiums will rise up to 25% next year, and noted that you wouldn’t think that there’s a problem if you just listen to the Republican candidates.
They go on to suggest that the GOP will have their asses handed to them by the voters if all they can say on the subject is the same old “free market vs. socialized medicine” baloney they’re spouting.
All we want is the same choices the congress has voted for themselves. I applaud John Edwards’ call for the congress to follow the example of Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Wisc, who has declined his health insurance coverage “until everyone he represents has the same healthcare options.” I made the same suggestion to my congressman, Nick Lampson. It would be a brave move, considering his pre-existing heart condition, but hell, that's what leadership's all about.
They go on to suggest that the GOP will have their asses handed to them by the voters if all they can say on the subject is the same old “free market vs. socialized medicine” baloney they’re spouting.
All we want is the same choices the congress has voted for themselves. I applaud John Edwards’ call for the congress to follow the example of Rep. Steve Kagen, D-Wisc, who has declined his health insurance coverage “until everyone he represents has the same healthcare options.” I made the same suggestion to my congressman, Nick Lampson. It would be a brave move, considering his pre-existing heart condition, but hell, that's what leadership's all about.
And it’s not just on that issue. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex, is the Dennis Kucinich of the right: the only candidate to get the war right all along. How do you suppose he’s been able to raise so much campaign money? Here’s hoping the voters are way out ahead of the politicians on these two crucial issues.
My parents bitched about socialized medicine back in the early days of the Medicare debate... then were quite appreciative of the coverage in their golden years.
It astonishes me that we are still having this "conversation," over 40 years later.
Excuse me... I have to go worship a free market dollar someplace...
Welcome back!
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