State of the Quakers

We need to frame this entire conversation differently:
1.The reason the Democratic primary is still a contest is because of the strength of the candidates. The Republican field narrowed so quickly because none of those guys held up in the light of day.Just like Mc Cain won’t when the MSM finally starts asking some hard questions about him.
2.This is what democracy is all about. The Democratic party is not an organization that takes its orders from the top and marches accordingly (like the Republicans). A prolonged debate about the issues isgood for America. Democrats are good for America!
3. Democrats are registering and turning out is record numbers for these primaries. We don’t just have an energized base, we have an energized party.
4. Both Obama and Clinton are running circles around Mc Cain’s paltry fundraising and voter turn out.
5. The big story coming out of Pennsylvania is that Ron Paul got 16% of the vote: with no media coverage and almost no spending. Mc Cain’s is a hollow campaign.
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