It's Over?

I feel no great urge to have a one-man race, and yet Dark Lord Kos has been throwing out little shit-bombs like this for awhile now:
"Clinton's campaign has one premise -- victory at all costs. If that requires sundering the Democratic Party, so be it. She doesn't care. Therefore, there is no logic that applies. The popular vote only matters if it favors her. The pledged delegate lead only matters if it favors her. Michigan and Florida only matter if it favors her. States only matters if they vote for her. Groups and communities in this country only matters if they supports her. Super delegates only matter if they cast their lot with her.
Clinton personifies the worst of the "with us, or against us"-type thinking that has gotten us in trouble with the rest of the world.
So we have a campaign that is losing by every metric imaginable. And now that campaign says that it doesn't care if she's losing by every metric imaginable. Her campaign will carry on regardless.
No one can say that Clinton doesn't play to win. In some circumstances, that is admirable.
The only problem is that she already lost. At this point, this is just pathetic."
I think what's been lost on the public is that the Democratic Party is a private club. They don't take public money, and they pick whomever they want. Ask Estes Kefauver.
And this fetish with the popular vote! It is like insisting Sanjaya win because he had the most votes before the end of the show. Besides, Obama has racked up most of his states through caucuses that represent the voting public not at all. He is a shrewed, well-organized, career politician just like HRC. The whole thing is ridiculous and cynical.
Let's be patient and see how it shakes out.
Yes, it is ridiculous, and, yes, it needs to play out. McCain is cackling about the dems lack of cohesiveness. Being and officious dick and no gentleman, he fully expects everybody to play his game or get kicked off the fucking team. That may come back to bite him in the ass.
C&L has a Bill Maher clip today saying that the election's not so long and drawn out compared to say a season of American Idle which is what eighty-seven weeks long and that's just to choose a cruise ship entertainer.
Good advice, LD.
98.7 Texas Mix Radio is off the air and out of business - phones disconnected etc. No explanation as to why. You may want to remove their banner from your blog
Mr. Anon,
Many thanks, brother.
I'm so stupid. I was in Victoria the other day and couldn't pick it up, and yet, I never checked on this.
After Steve Koffman died the station was left in the care of his son, June Bug. Since JB is a total moron, I imagine bad things followed.
Incidentally, No Depression folded its' tent as well. I think I need to think about this possible trend in musical root rot, and will repair to the dome of contemplation.
You rool,
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