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Massive compounds of religious weirdo's are fairly common-place in Texas. Take Crawford Ranch for instance. That's one of the things that makes the state so wonderful and interesting. As far as we're concerned, if a guy in Texas can't appoint himself God; round up girls, guns, and cash for a meth-fueled orgy of twisted sex, paraniod violence, torture, and humiliation down at the "ranch," then where in hell can he? We call that freedom. Ask the castrated gimps and zombie killers, er, I mean Deacons, used to help wipe things up.
The only thing sexier, evidently, than forced coitis on a terified, brain-washed 12 year-old on a sweaty, serum-stained, cot in the "Temple," is a hundred church ladies writing down every descriptive detail for later private "reflection"?
Even though the folks in El Dorado and San Angelo were perfectly content to pay absolutely no attention to child rape and slavery under their very noses, the folks at "Big Boner for Yahway Ranch" were very lucky not to have been exterminated (one way or the other) for having brought this unfortunate bit of Americana to everyone's attention.
I guess my point is, in light of all this, a perverse culture of woman/child hatred is alive and well in this country, and growing stronger every day. We have an opportunity before us to forcefully reject institutional misogyny through the current election. We should refocus on the matter at hand.
Sounds like you know something about this huh? From where does that experience draw? I think its a travesty to put 416 kids into foster care in a panic state -- they'll experience worse trauma being suddenly placed in some quite not so suitable places. But that is the risk CPS thinks is necessary. How many kids suffer abuse at the hands of CPS?
Hi kvetch,
My previous posts on CPS place me solidly on your side if your point is that CPS has no money to protect children against neglect and abuse, but plenty of time and resources to harass home school families, single mom's, non-traditional families and families with special needs, who otherwise provide very loving and secure homes.
As to your direct question as to the rate of abuse in CPS care, the answer is plenty. Throw in the count from Texas Youth Commission, the answer is thousands. Factor in again the baby mill for white people, "abuse" in the form of destroying families is prevelant.
You're right about the psychic harm to 416 kids referred to foster care from Tom Green County, but aren't they lucky they weren't incinerated?
As for my involvement in cults, I was raised Presbyterian.
It'll take time for Texas dust to settle and reveal the actual landscape:women and children fleeing sexual abuse? Traumatized by authoritarian buffoonery? Victimized by church, media, all of above? Is it any comfort that children are with their mothers, when their mothers are fourteen years old?
Speaking of TYC, what do you think of Sen. John Whitmire’s proposal to shut it down and return its’ functions to the various counties, since even though their employees outnumber their clients, they still can’t staff all the guard positions at their far-flung facilities, at least with guards that don’t rape the children.
I wonder why all these employees aren’t filling these guard shifts, like management employees do when they lock out the union.
Whitmire’s idea got a warm response from the Chronicle Editorial staff. He may be a sharp politician, but I think that he’s found the side of the angels on justice issues since he was carjacked in his driveway 20 years ago, and I loved the way he slapped down Dan Patrick last year.
Judge, for all his faults, he's on to something good.
Mrs. Polly, you are the wise one.
Neglect or abuse of children at CPS occurs due to lack of funding, poor government and institutional incompetence. The neglect or abuse of children down on the compound occurs for the gratification of demented crusty old white men. The comparison between the two is ludicrous. We should always expect more from our religious institutions than our political.
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