Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shoot 'em all in the head!

Though I had sworn off gangster movies a few years back due to the graphic violence, foul language and despicable characters with no redeeming qualites, "The Departed" came on cable so I watched. It was a pretty good plot and the acting was real good, but the dialogue was peppered with way too many F-bombs - does anybody really talk that way? Martin Scorsese got crazy and substituted Italians for Irish, so it was kind of like Goodfellas with an Irish brogue. Anyway the movie was coming to a climax and I was wondering how the brilliant genius director would end the thing. Well, everyone got shot in the head and died - good bad guys, bad bad guys, bad good guys and good good guys alike - POW! One shot to the head. Of course they were all standing in front of nice white backgrounds so the blood spatter and brain matter would show up real good. I was disappointed, until I decided to think of this movie as a spoof on Scorsese movies. I hate it when talented people seem to stop evolving and become outrageous caricatures of themselves. Do us a favor Martin, try a comedy for a change, it could even be a dark comedy for christ sake.


At 4:37 AM , Blogger Julia B. said...

"stop evolving and become outrageous caricature,"
-uh oh, soon I'm planning to dress in skins and sing "Apeman."


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