Mustache Rides for Jesus

<"The Texas Freedom Network (TFN) on Tuesday revealed a side of "intelligent design" proponents rarely seen by the public at large. The group released a transcript and recording of an extraordinarily candid speech given in 2005 by recently named State Board of Education Chairman Ron McLeroy.
McLeroy told a gathering at Grace Bible Church in Bryan, Texas, of his efforts to expunge evolution from the state's high school biology textbooks. "Back in November 2003, we finished [the]…adoption process for the biology textbooks in Texas…. I want to tell you all the arguments made by all the intelligent-design group, all the creationist intelligent design people, I can guarantee the other side heard exactly nothing," he said.
He went on, condemning other Christian board members for not following his lead....>
"McLeroy lamented the fact that he failed to convince fellow board members that "are good, strong Christians" to see it his way in 2003. Even though they were active in church, he said, they didn't even care that evolution conflicted with their Christian worldview. He was sure he would have gotten a few more votes if he'd just mentioned evolution ignores God."
I called Mavis B. Knight, a board member, (District 13 - Dallas) as dedicated to Jesus Christ as anyone I have encountered, but had to leave a message. I would like to know if he took her to the woodshead for Jesus. In fact, it would be interesting to know who he has been ministering to, and weather such stunts amount to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
I will get back to you. In the meantime, here is the vita on Bro. McLeroy. Note his solid background in science if dentistry and elctrical engineering count as forming the basis of his anti-evolution views.
Don McLeroy
9277 Brookwater Circle
College Station, TX 77845
979 255-2538
979 846-1174 (FAX)
January 1, 2007 - January 1, 2011
District 9 - College Station
Don McLeroy of College Station was elected to the State Board of Education in November 1998 and re-elected in 2002 and 2006. McLeroy was appointed Chair of the State Board of Education by Governor Rick Perry in July of 2007. McLeroy serves on the board's Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund. He previously served on the Committee on Planning and as vice chair of the board.
McLeroy is a dentist in Bryan-College Station. He served on the Bryan Independent School District Board of Trustees, to which he was elected in May 1997.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Doctor of Dental Science degree from The University of Texas Dental Branch in Houston.
McLeroy is a fourth-grade Sunday school teacher at Grace Bible Church in College Station and has been active in youth soccer and Boy Scouts. In his Boy Scout work, he was honored with the "District Award of Merit." He also served in the U.S. Army. McLeroy and his wife, Nancy, have two children.
Last Updated - July 17, 2007
Ironically, The General was on the spot, as usual, to fix the problem where it counts: in Heaven.
Asking Jesus to kick some ass
Dr. Wiley S. Drake
Second Vice President, Southern Baptist Convention
Pastor, First Southern Baptist Church of Buena Park
Dear Dr. Drake,
Most pastors would panic upon learning that Americans United for the Separation of Church (AU) and State had filed an electioneering complaint with the IRS against them. Not you. You simply responded by coolly commanding your followers to call upon our Lord and Savior in imprecatory prayer, to cause AU press contact Joe Conn's teeth to fall out.
I understand that you support Mike Huckabee in his quest to be our next president. Indeed, it was your endorsement of Huckabee written on your church's letterhead that prompted AU to file it's complaint.
I also understand that you are an Ambassador for the Presidential Prayer Team, and as such, I assume you are employing the power of prayer to assist Huckabee. But have you considered how much more his campaign could be helped by imprecatory prayer. Imagine how voters would react to a hairless, toothless, boil infested Mitt Romney. And why stop there, why not ask God to make Mitt fart loudly and scratch himself during interviews. Heck, I can't wait to see Tim Russert squirm as he tries to explain that sharting live on Meet the Press is a savvy campaign move. How about you?
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
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