Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Chupacabra Report

>Heard David Johnson on Marketplace Friday where he would usually give the Dow Jones Industrial Average say “the Murdoch was down 140 points or just over one percent.” You know Rupert, he came from Australia and bought some congressmen, and now his tentacles are f ‘n all over like Nuke Laloosh. Rupert was the model for Monte Burns on The Simpsons. He once bought Newt Gingrich, now he wants the Wall Street Journal. He can have it. That paper actually became readable the past few decades, for all its’ rabid editorials, but now it will become incredible, like Fox News.

Johnson, talking earnings reports, listed several companies that had good sales overseas, but ‘negative growth’ in the U.S; Coke, Harley, Caterpillar, McDonalds.. -Is this another sign of “republican economic prosperity” from the folks that brought us the S&L scandal, the HUD scandal, trickle down, supply side, and now the sub-prime mortgage meltdown? Anyways, I think I’ll go get advice from my friends with the thick glasses before I panic and sell my holdings to buy into gold stock from Pat Robertson and the 700 Club.

>And here’s something from my outbox:

Dear Senator Hutchison,

I just want you to know that I was disappointed in you for voting against bringing the Levon-Reed amended Defense Authorization up for a vote last week.

I am definitely opposed to keeping our people in Iraq through January 2009, much less for 20 or 50 years as the administration has suggested. There is finally a critical mass in Congress to stop digging this hole and to get out. I hope to see you join with your colleagues to find a way to get this done.


Charly Hoarse


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