What a Putz

The nice thing about a blog is a chance to get things off your chest. There can be too much of a good thing, so I try to watch it. In fact, I reget following Charles Chaveau after his excellent post.
However, I remember throughout my lifetime Texas putting TB cases away in the Chest Hospital in San Antonio for up to six months. So, this case of the Georgia PI lawyer turned globetrotting Typhoid Mary left me wondering.
Emily Palmer, a spokesperson for the Texas Center for Infectious Diseases reminded me that now days TB patients can treat at home and enjoy ordinary lives. But when someone refuses to comply; is not capable of self-care; or, possess a clear risk of infection, the state seeks a court order for involuntary quarantine.
I think the alleged meeting between this asshole, CDC, and his asshole father, the CDC scientist for TB studies, revealls that he did everything in his power to garner some hairsplitting legal loophole that would allow for his hijinks. When it comes down to it, the strain of TB Attorney Speaker contracted should have placed him in the risk catagory that require voluntary or involuntary hospitalization.
I have nothing but contempt for such a person. The fallout of Mr. Speakers actions feeds the public perception that all lawyers are selfish liars and crooks.
This weevil has come out of nowhere to knock Ted and Mary Roberts of San Antonio out of first place.
(See Rick Casey's "Sex Lies and Lawyer Jokes" 3/14/07 Chronicle for the lurid details)
This man not only gives lawyers a bad name, but once again, someone to give Americans a bad name. He travels abroad to indulge in his tony honeymoon, leaving all his travel companions in fear for their lives. What he did is terrorism, pure and simple. When people are terrorized that they may have contracted a life threatening disease, you have committed an act of terrorism, but if you are wealthy, white and well connected, you've just goofed. What in the Sam Hill was so important about this trip? Plus, he has been arguing cases in court with this disease. Oh, well, I guess I have said enough at this point.
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