Friday Fishing Report

The 5-10 knot winds forecasted turned out to be 10-15, and from the SW, so the surf was sandy green and choppy, but I decided to give it a try before I bailed and went for another spot out of the wind. It was high tide and just past sunrise.
Baits been plentiful in the surf so I had passed the bait camps and counted on the castnet.
The 2 to 3 foot waves made this challenging, but I finally rustled up a bucket full of mullet and waded in to fish. I soon got rolfed pretty good by the waves. Working in waist-deep water meant that an occasional wave would slap me right in the face, and if you were to turn your back on the waves, a big one might sneak up and knock you over.
I lost a landing net to the surf, and a pair of needlenose, but soon landed a fat speckled trout. They started coming faster, and I had four by eight o’clock. Next I hooked a bull red who kept me busy about five minutes before he broke off right at my feet. The next fish was a red too, and he looked like a keeper. I had lost my fish-gage taped on my landing net so I hustled back to my car where I had a yardstick. Nineteen inches; one inch short of the 20”-28” slot, so instead of going on ice this fish got to swim away too.
And that was it except for one ladyfish, which was fun because they jump so much when you hook ‘em. By then I was tired and hungry so I drove up Broadway to 38th street and had a good cheap desayuno con huevos y chorizo. After breakfast I went back to the beach to fish the Solunar peak from 12:30 to 1:00. Screwed up by taking my shirt off while I netted up some bait. I ended up throwing the net almost an hour to get a few baits and by then I was sunburned. I flogged it for half an hour without a bite and packed it up. All in all another great day in Galveston. Look for me there next Friday, weather permitting.
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