Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Natives are Restless

I think the time is past to either treat this year's election as another 2%-er in red vs. blue american concentration zones or to publically indict the republicans for their individual and collective misdeads, or worst of all, report the atrocities and then take comments from both sides as if there is no truth; only two sides of the story. "How do you see it Mr. Hitler," school of journalism.

This year is different. When the republicans lose, I say we mercilessly ride them down like swine, Planet of the Apes style. Figuretively speaking of course. Nothing will give me greater pleasure than revenge served cold. I hate them and I don't want to drink breers with the ruthless bastards. Like Dr. Thompson said in 1994 distills my rage:

If the right people had been in charge of Nixon's funeral, his casket would have been launched into one of those open-sewage canals that empty into the ocean just south of Los Angeles. He was a swine of a man and a jabbering dupe of a president. Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning. Even his funeral was illegal. He was queer in the deepest way. His body should have been burned in a trash bin.

I can see them squirm. I feel their collective flop sweat. They act like missionaries held by savages as the pot boils and the drums press on their temples like a cudgel:

The question, analysts say, is whether the Republicans' race-by-race strategy can overcome what is shaping up, so far, as a classic midterm election driven by national issues. "I don't really care what the national climate is," said Representative Tom Reynolds of New York, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. "At the end of the day, House races are a choice between two people."

And their acts become desperate as they abandon prayer and the haughty bluster of bullies. "Take my wife! Keep her as thy slave. Spare me for God's sake!"

Across the nation, 22 states and the District of Columbia have hiked rates out of frustration with a Congress that hasn't raised the minimum wage in nine years.

"I think we have a pretty good chance," said Texas Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, who plans to lead the fight on a statewide rate hike in the next Legislature.

I smell bacon.


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