
I am feeling a little confessional.
I called some people "South Park Republicans." That might not be a very handy pejorative anymore. The makers of South Park have been quite brave standing up to the Scientologists, Tom Cruz and Viacom. Kudos.
I called some bloggers sell out, and implied as much for Kos. I found this from 1/9/06 Newsweek:
"The bloggers are not a good fund-raising mechanism. We're better as a message machine. I'm going to be following the local bloggers, and when the stuff gets interesting, I'll link to that. So we're going to have the ability to nationalize these races, and if a race gets buzz, it's easier to fund raise. That wasn't really possible before the blogespere. Netroots are crazy political junkies who hang out in blogs. They're people who use technology to participate in politics. they do a lot offline, but they do their organizing online. They're not necissarily liberal or conservative. To them, the questionis, will you take the fight to the enemy"
That sounds right to me.
Edit: Yes! I was Roy Cohn's cabana boy and Jeff Gannon's poodle walker! Are you happy now?
While you're confessing, how about you and Ollie North, and Gordon Liddy, and that little dog Checkers?
Yeah, Eldy, what about you and Jack Abramoff, and Billie Sol Estes, and Milli Vanilli?
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