George Will on Citizens United v. The FEC

Once in a while George Will writes something that makes good sense; usually in those cases he is talking about baseball, or some other less than critical matter. More often, he can be such a tool as to put me off paying any mind to his opinions.
That said, I have to wonder what possessed me to read his column about Citizens United v. The F.E.C, the Supreme Court case about the funding and broadcast of “Hillary: The Movie,” a ninety-minute attack ad by the Orange County California right-wing astroturf group Citizens United.
Will is of the opinion that the freeing of corporate speech –by that he means unfettered corporate campaign spending- will bring on a healthy public debate. Will is employed by the Washington Post Corporation, an education and media company with $4 billion in annual revenue. When the directors of the Post Corp. want to express their views, they can publish them in the op-ed section of their flagship newspaper. When their 20,000 employees want to make their voices heard, they can do so like the rest of us do; by speaking, writing, marching, organizing, and giving to the candidates and causes dear to us.
In the state of Texas, and at the national level, our lawmakers haven’t changed much since the nineteenth century, when the giant railroad conglomerates gave away stock options to friendly members of congress. The banking and insurance industries too, have always been well represented.
I propose a government take-over of Congress; that is, “that government of the people and by the people.”
Corporations are not people; Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad notwithstanding. There are corporations and industries that dwarf the countries that host them; and their influence can be a threat to world peace and public health.
Along with the current stupidity pandemic, the corrupting power of corporate cash is a threat to our democracy. One wag has suggested that Congressman be required to wear the logos of their corporate benefactors on their persons. Imagine 535 members of Congress wearing suits festooned with decals reading “General Dynamics,” “Raytheon,” “Goldman Sachs,” or “PhRMA.”
That said, I have to wonder what possessed me to read his column about Citizens United v. The F.E.C, the Supreme Court case about the funding and broadcast of “Hillary: The Movie,” a ninety-minute attack ad by the Orange County California right-wing astroturf group Citizens United.
Will is of the opinion that the freeing of corporate speech –by that he means unfettered corporate campaign spending- will bring on a healthy public debate. Will is employed by the Washington Post Corporation, an education and media company with $4 billion in annual revenue. When the directors of the Post Corp. want to express their views, they can publish them in the op-ed section of their flagship newspaper. When their 20,000 employees want to make their voices heard, they can do so like the rest of us do; by speaking, writing, marching, organizing, and giving to the candidates and causes dear to us.
In the state of Texas, and at the national level, our lawmakers haven’t changed much since the nineteenth century, when the giant railroad conglomerates gave away stock options to friendly members of congress. The banking and insurance industries too, have always been well represented.
I propose a government take-over of Congress; that is, “that government of the people and by the people.”
Corporations are not people; Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad notwithstanding. There are corporations and industries that dwarf the countries that host them; and their influence can be a threat to world peace and public health.
Along with the current stupidity pandemic, the corrupting power of corporate cash is a threat to our democracy. One wag has suggested that Congressman be required to wear the logos of their corporate benefactors on their persons. Imagine 535 members of Congress wearing suits festooned with decals reading “General Dynamics,” “Raytheon,” “Goldman Sachs,” or “PhRMA.”
looking good today Georgie
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