I am merely spitting in the wind against far stronger counterparts, who are successful at manipulating the public by the use of semantics, like the sinister, gravy-stained, Frank Luntz.
Conservative semanticians once were classy and honorable. Take the case of the intellectual giant, S. I. Hawakawa:
"You guys are both saying the same thing. The only reason you're arguing is because you're using different words."
Which brings me to "Democrat." Listen you punks: It's "Democratic."
Hey, nobody likes the pubes incessant use of "Democrat" to describe "Democratic" party operations, institutions, and policy. Starting at the top, preznit Chauncey Gardner uses it in the State of the Union while simultaneously waxing bipartisan. Royal organ grinder, Rush Limpballs, uses the term without exception, and Newt wields it like a bludgeon. And even though they are routinely corrected by sheepish vichy-dems and some in the press as not only inflammatory but also grammatically wrong, they keep doing it and doing it. It makes me mad, but I can take it.
However, I am pissed that my local paper, the Express, OBJECTIVELY uses it as recently as Friday while reporting on the political Larry-Craig-implosion of hillbilly know-nothing Tom Craddick. On page one, "(b)ut several of Craddick's GOP allies face primary election challenges, as do several of his Democrat supporters."
This once OK wretched whore of a newsrag consolidated its Editorial page inside the Metro Section because of declining readership, while keeping their white knuckled death-grip on the sadly unfunny Mallard Filmore.
I got some late news for you wankers: George Bush is as unpopular as body louse. People hate the war. Texas is turning "Democrat" again. GOP wankerism does not sell papers anymore. Let go, grab a tissue, and get to work.
I often call 'em Tories. I about puke when I hear them speak of the founding fathers because I know that if they'd been around in revolutionary days they would have been the loyalist types that ended up fleeing to Canada.
The scariest tories right now are the United We Stand/Lieber-Bloomberg crowd.
What happened to the good old fashioned style of tar-n-feather/horse whipping/barn burning politics?
Patriots used to be pretty scary themselves.
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