Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Foggy Day

A foggy day, I waded out into the back bay I frequent, was waist deep before I could see the opposite bank. This made me turn around, wondering if I could still see where I came in from. I didn’t have a compass to follow back to shore and there some deep holes here...

Which brought me back to L-D’s post last week, “War is Over.” Sometimes when I lack such a clear vision, I wish for some compass to follow. Consider that it’s almost twelve months until the general election. When the papers and the boob tube are full of stories about Willard Romney or Mike Huckabee they can start to seem almost normal after a while. We mustn’t forget that they represent the party of bankruptcy and Armageddon, the party that has controlled the White House for 8 years despite the Democratic candidates winning record numbers of votes in each election.

I have my favorite candidates, but I’ll be supporting whoever runs against the Tory candidate, and not just at the top of the ticket. It’s going to take solid majorities for the next president and congress to address the mess they’ll inherit.

Again, as L-D and Oliver Cromwell say, “keep your powder dry.”


At 3:43 PM , Blogger liquiddaddy said...

Judge Hoarse,

You are Friday night dog blogging. Something I've rarely seen on the net roots.

By way of confession, I think you were originally the cautionary one in a private e-mail between us.

Weirdly enough, appropose of your post, I agreed whole-heartedly with a couple of things Ron Paul said in the debate the other day. To him the biggest tax now is the devalued dollar, which falls squarely on the shoulders of the middle class, along with insidious unreported inflation that is kept off the regular indexes. He is the "speak truth to power" candidate and will not go quietly into the night.



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