Rev. Chisums' Bible Class Bill
House Appropriations Committee Chairman Warren Chisum (R-Pharisee) has a bill before the House Public Education Committee that would require an elective course on the Greatest Book Ever Written to be offered by any public school that had 15 students sign up for it. Predictably, most schools with such offerings have run afoul of the First Amendments’ prohibition of laws establishing a state religion. Rep. Chisum, I’m here to help. All we need to do to ensure that teachers present the material in an objective manner is to first require that they teach units about the Bhagavad Gita, The Koran, The Tao Te Ching, and the works of Elron Hubbard before they teach the Old and New Testaments.
Wait a Gosh Darn minute. Aren’t conservatives supposed to stand up against unfunded government mandates?
There are thousands of students across the state that already go to summer school to get state-required classes out of the way so that they can free up their class schedules enough to pursue their education. I just heard this week of another kid in the neighborhood that got his bachelors in three years because he passed AP courses in high school.
Rev. Chisum, how about you and your cronies do your job and fund the schools to the best of our ability, and then leave the rest to the parents and educators. Show us more rectitude and less rectum.
Obviously Chisum, coming from the ungodly community of Pharisee, has some amends to make.
Representing a district whose inhabitants Jesus had to set straight again and again has obviously left him scarred.
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