Turn Around, The Fights Over There

In the darkest days of the facist take-over of government; say, between December of 2000 and Katrina, (I know it seems like a long time) I would check with certain bloggers that were important to me as if it were a crackly coded radio announcement by the French Underground in Vicy-era France. I imagined these brave stalwart heroes bracing themselves for jack-booted stazis kicking down the door and draggin them to the trunk of a waiting car only to later receive the coup de grace in some lonely ditch. Unheralded. Unknown. Doing the necessary work for democracy out of sacrifice.
I needed these guys - we were on the ropes. Democracy as we know it is flat-lining still, and just when we need to assert the power of the people while the despot is somewhat off balance, they all get freakin book deals.
When I was reading Kos today I noticed he thinks his book is being panned by some relative like-minded compatriots. That's gotta hurt. When I read these self-described bad reviews, I was a little confused. For instance, Majikthise seems to like the book, but criticises certain aspects in good faith, mentioning things like:
"Despite the merits of these proposals, there’s something missing from Crashing the Gate, namely, the gate crashing. Markos and Armstrong are really selling the fundraising power of the netroots to other people who want to tweak Democratic inside baseball.
To the extent that the book has a larger vision, it’s about how to spend the small donor dollars raised online. The authors don’t seriously discuss the blogosphere as a source of ideas or as a nexus for activism. They seem more interested in the blogosphere as a medium for placing targeted ads than as a new engine for independent news or as a novel brake on the power of the mainstream media and politicians."
So whats the problem, Kos? Is that not really true?
The other guy - gregsopinion.com - forget about it. I could not get past this statement to even finish his point:
"It's the last two chapters in particular that I found the most illuminating, even if I did follow the blog development of many of the ideas contained within the book. But seeing as to how I've got no axe to grind with regard to Dean's demise as a Presidential candidate (it's clear that the authors haven't buried this hatchet yet - cough*Lieberman*cough), so I'll leave the readers to their own devices when it comes to the chapter devoted to this."
That statement is literally akin to, "other than that Mr. Lincoln, what'd you think of the play?" I mean, do you like Holy Joe, my friend? Don't you get it?
All this stuff is just more of the same. The lefty blogs, having found some success, are selling out. I saw it coming when "Daily Howler" went off the reservation, he was instantly persona nun grata. This is causing some jealousy in certain circles (cough *all you bitches* cough).
We hang together, or hang seperately.
By the way, I am stupid as hell. Don't waste your time. I have no college degree. Hell, they wouldn't even give me my high school diploma because of late fees. I love reason, but see no reason to love people enamored in their own hype.
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