Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

King of Banana Land in Trouble

It is getting hotter than Asian child sex slavery for the glistening bug-man these days. No more drunken man-on-daughter action in the Monterey whore-house hot tub for the embattled dauphin of depravity. No more "monkey" screwing while suckers wait for Jeebus in the Big-Tex 22. The AP has the flacid hammer losing to "any Demorcrat" 39-46. Tough luck, sucker. Don't get scared. You really don't need all those armed guards of yours once you are in prison, or your front teeth. Your future husband doesn't want any rough spots in his prison pussy.

Have fun!

More bad news, sausage-on-a-stick boy, you aren't running against a shadow opponent. You are running against a real man named Nick Lampsom


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