Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Shame, South Park Republican

You could at least break off some polite words of encouragement to your devoted (why?) friend of 20 years, who thanklessly worked the last five years to give* music to an apathetic public. She is a great musician, no matter what you think. You know in your heart I am right.

And I'll be sure to let your friend of 30 years that you think his website sucks.

Bitter, much?

*give: to render to others; transfer (in case you forgot what that means)

Edit: A "South Park Republican" is in the same genus as a "Cafeteria Catholic," but significantly different in a few ways. As "South Park," would like to believe, they make fun of the left and the right, are completely disinterested in taking sides; or even any harbouring a modicum of couriosity in the politcal process, makes them somehow fair and neutral. Wrong. It makes them a Republican. Notice in their feature length puppet movie - I am told - they only kill liberals.

Or, if one is liberal in attitude, philosophy and disposition, but does not directly challenge facism, (but merely spews empty rhetoric in meaningless conversations between like-minded souls) that somehow makes you still progressive. Wrong. That makes you Republican.

A South Park Republican


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