Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Friday, November 11, 2005

My grandpa

I have come to learn my grandpa was an army captain and an instructor of engineering at VMI when the depression came. He must have gotten layed off, because the next thing I can see is him as a lieutenant in the 301st Company, Marines, in Boston, MA in 1931. I then see him at MIT, where he met my grandma, taking a boiler mechanics class together; she graduates in 1936, my uncle is born in 1939, and then my father is born in early 1941. We then see him as an Colonel in the Army working on the atom bomb in Amarillo, TX through the end of the war. The nuclear material he was exposed to put a hole in his heart and poisoned his blood. He died in 1964 at the age of 57. My mother told me he was endlessly kind, loving and patient.

I honor Donald Nelson Higgins, USA, USMC, postumously this Veteran's Day, and wish to thank all veterans and those serving currently. You hold our countries' love.


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