ZDD 2011 Predictions

I have been contemplating this last year and could not think of anything profound. It was a tough one. Everyone seems to have experienced some personal loss, or set back. In my case, the last I see of it before I pass...ehr, fall asleep, will be my little family together, which at one time I dared not ever hope to see.
On this happy note, the 2011 Predictions!
1.President Obama will admit he is from Kenya to make everybody shut the fuck up. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
2.Tod and Sara Palin will die in a meth lab explosion. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
3.Churches, lodge societies, museums, libraries, and bowling leagues see an explosion in members as America returns to civilization. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
4.Michael Vick will be pecked to death in a cock fight gone wrong. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
5.Chas Bono will announce that he's gay. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
6.The TV show, "Celebrity Park Bathrooms," hosted by Bryan Seacrest is a ratings winner. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
7.Monsanto discovers a new food substance that could feed the world's starving: chicken. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
8.The Texas Republicans will face election disaster in 2012. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
9.Liquiddaddy accurately predicts end of the world. But it won't matter because the world will end in 2012.
10.There will always be cockroaches, lawyers and, jehova's witnesses, and since ZDD has many of these survival traits, expect good things to come.
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and prosperous new year.