Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Suffer the Little Children

I hate to step on Hoarse's great posting - he is speaking to what matters and I encourage folks to read on from here, but I just have to get this out.

In the coming school year and forever more, kid's who have been waived from the standard state assessment of knowledge and skills (TAKS) test, and have heretofore been taking the modified alternative test (SDAA) are required to take the TAKS along with everyone else.

That means that the minority/poor districts who had been working mightily against awesome challenges to stay funded during these times of "no child left behind" will have to include the scores from learning disabled children with their total scores. For example, Lucy's school is 99% low income minority and had proudly acquired "Exemplary" status through rigorous drilling and hard work, testing 85% of students. Now, they will test 97% of students, including all special ed, class 504 and marginal/at risk children. Only Down's kids are excluded. Their scores will predictably plunge. Why does this matter? The school's funding and accreditation is based on the yearly scores.

This happens at a time when special ed funding has been slashed. There is a 2 year delay in performing comprehensive assessment, speech pathology, and plan development within the district. Two experts serve 80 schools. How could any child expect accommodation required by Federal Law under those circumstances. Under State Law, a district may not fund raise, and the Leg just capped property taxes at $1.04, where it had been $1.50.

Why is this happening? Because King George (privately schooled) and his ilk desire to destroy public education so they can create private schools in their place. In fact, that's what Neil Bush does for a living. The fix is in.

To add insult to injury, soon we will hear Rush, and Glen and Sean pointing to "proof" that minorities aren't as smart as white people. Ironically, the people that readily buy into this naked racial hatred are the products of public schools.


At 12:50 AM , Blogger Julia B. said...

Not stepping on anything LD, I expect us to work up to a big string of posts every day.
Anyways, I had a message today from Congressman Lampson inviting me to an event about missing and abused children. I sent my regrets, and added that I try to help the cause by supporting Planned Parenthood and NPG.
Then I asked him what the hell he's doing appearing at the same event with Sugarland Mayor David Wallace, associate of Tom DeLay and Margaret Thatcher's crooked son Mark.

At 1:23 PM , Blogger Lulu Maude said...

Gawd. There's nothing that can't be sacrificed to the propping up of Dubya's inner circle.

Interesting follow-up on Lampson, Charly. Back to Texas, I see.

At 7:23 AM , Blogger liquiddaddy said...

Hi Lulu, honey!

The Iron Lady connection is ironic, since I was just thinking Nick was getting a little "wobbly."

While I'm waxing in that direction, I'm amused how (to me) the most interesting female "daddy party" conservatives, (i.e. Marge Thatcher, Jean Kirkpatrick, Barbara "Manchurian Candidate" Bush) are the ones with balls?



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