Texas Round Up

You thought I forgot. Almost. That box of Italian wine Ivan gave me nearly wrecked me.
From the AP wire:
2 guys died from chemical exposure in a Corpus chemical plant last night. They won't say what they huffed. My guess would be carban monoxide; it kilss in seconds and is odorless. Why the Advocate has not run this story puzzles me.
Tom Delay has three Puke opponents in the primary on Tuesday. He will likely go into a run off against Tom Campbell, a millionaire with boodles of money that he didn't steal or get from bribes. Plus, he doesn't pimp his daughter to foreign businessmen or screw Mexican hookers and asian child slaves. Based on thier current rep, you'd figure Sugarland is the swinginest hot-tub coke snortin' district in Texas, instead of the tight-as McJesus fetus huggers they pretent to be.
Speaking of coke. It has replaced X as the disco party drug of choice amongst swank Londoners. $50 a gram, baby! Something that cheap might replace meth for the disco party crowd amongst the trailer trash of Lavaca County. Not!
Speaking of trailor trash. 2 folks were injured in a punk concert riot in California last night. Police had to form a tear-gas firing phalanx to subdue the 20K crank raged younsters. Sorry I missed that.
Mayor Nagin is visiting Houston today. You go, Ray.
The entire police force of Troup, Texas in Polk County was fired for corruption. Moulton take note.
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