How Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics

Found this piece on BartCop, Andrew Sullivan on The Daily Beast. Click on the title to see it, it's a good read; I think I'm down with this.
I always say that a good President is one who pisses off both sides. When I hear teabaggers going all apoplectic over Obama I have to smile because I know the left wing has been disappointed with him too. But we has to consider what he's done within the realm of the possible. Between the backstabbing blow-dog Democrats and the forty-seven vote GOP Senate majority, the President's hands have been tied. Sullivan says that Obama has always counted on serving two terms, and that granted re-election and adequate support in Congress his "show-don't-tell long game" will show results. He cites Politifact to say that of 508 campaign promises, one-third have been fulfilled and only two have not been acted on.
Most important, he says "the only way out of that deadlock is an electoral rout of the GOP." The next election is about more than the top of the ticket. Now, if the Supreme Court will kindly tell me what Congressional District I'm in before the next election..
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