Zippidy Doo Da

I'm not stupid, I'm from Texas!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well it’s almost High Noon for reconciling the House-and-Senate-passed healthcare reform bills and the media is flogging away at the story, notwithstanding the yawns of apathy shown by the public at large.

The Chronicle had a page full of stories on the subject from the AP today, and I saw a couple of items that might explain the vehement opposition this movement has generated. (That and the billions in profits at stake)

First was a chart from Deloitte and Touche detailing the expansion of Medicare payroll taxes to high income earners. You see, people with incomes over $106,000 have so far been exempt from the 2.9% Medicare payroll tax. A major source of funding for expanded health coverage under the bill would come from extending this tax to high-earners, from a annual levy of $450 from single taxpayers earning $250,000 a year, to a $43,000 tax bill on those earning $5,000,000. You know that nobody squeals louder about income taxes than those with the biggest income.

The other item that caught my eye was the measures in the bill to ensure that no tax dollars are spent for abortion coverage. This has been a sticking point in the House, with no-choice Congressman Bart Stupak of the C Street “Family” that has included disgraced Senator John Ensign and disgraced Governor Mark Sanford, threatening to derail the legislation. To my eye, the only item they have left to object to is the exception for cases of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother, one accepted by most reasonable people.


At 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost Gary Cooper time

At 7:05 PM , Blogger Lulu Maude said...

We'll see about those Reasonable People.

At 9:07 AM , Blogger hggns said...

If "reasonable" was a word applicable to this sausage-making debate, it would have been resolved in August, and we'd be debating Financial Reform now.

As long as people call taxes for millionaires "socialism"; and Health Care Reform "totalitarianism", reasonable people will have work to do.

At 5:29 AM , Blogger liquiddaddy said...

They say that the last 20 years has produced a two party system with no middle. The camps are seemingly so right-wing or left-wing that any kind of bipartisan compromise is impossible. I'm not sure that's true.

In the case of Pukes, the word is that they are extremely idealogical, but they ain't. Like some people, the party is driven to protect the interests of their masters, and to that end, they would argue just about anything to accomplish whatever they want, including making smears, threats, racial epithets, terror, and destruction of the very institutions they are sworn to protect.

The disinformation they have spread about health reform, with the willful compliance of the "liberal media" continues to cause polling to reflect a marked division in public opinion about the content and goals of the bill. Because the Democrats have a true cross-section of idealogy, including healthy differences in abortion policy that they are easily divided by the more ruthless and disciplined Pukes.

This was and continues to be not a sausage factory, but rather a steel cage match to the death.

I persist in decrying the lack of passion among progressive voters, especially women, who could wake up any morning and find out their basic rights have gone away.

Like I say, wing-nuts never sleep.

At 5:29 AM , Blogger liquiddaddy said...

They say that the last 20 years has produced a two party system with no middle. The camps are seemingly so right-wing or left-wing that any kind of bipartisan compromise is impossible. I'm not sure that's true.

In the case of Pukes, the word is that they are extremely idealogical, but they ain't. Like some people, the party is driven to protect the interests of their masters, and to that end, they would argue just about anything to accomplish whatever they want, including making smears, threats, racial epithets, terror, and destruction of the very institutions they are sworn to protect.

The disinformation they have spread about health reform, with the willful compliance of the "liberal media" continues to cause polling to reflect a marked division in public opinion about the content and goals of the bill. Because the Democrats have a true cross-section of idealogy, including healthy differences in abortion policy that they are easily divided by the more ruthless and disciplined Pukes.

This was and continues to be not a sausage factory, but rather a steel cage match to the death.

I persist in decrying the lack of passion among progressive voters, especially women, who could wake up any morning and find out their basic rights have gone away.

Like I say, wing-nuts never sleep.


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