Pete Olson against stimulus before he was for it

Twenty-eight members of Texas’ thirty-four member congressional delegation delivered a letter to President Obama today asking that funds from this year’s economic stimulus package be spent on NASA’s manned space program. All twenty-one Republican signers of this letter voted against the stimulus bill.
Last year, voters in Tom DeLay-drawn District 22, home to the Johnson Space Center, elected former Phil Gramm staffer Pete Olson over five-term Congressman Nick Lampson, a member of the House Subcommittee for Space and Aeronautics.
Ironic that Olson would ask for funding through the American Recovery and Investment Act after he voted against it and made hay denouncing it? Not at all; he’s Grammstanding. For years he saw Phil Gramm come back to Texas and take credit for things that he voted against in Washington. Now he’s trying to do the same trick himself.
As Susan Bankston at said, “Pete Olson can’t speak when Phil Gramm drinks water.”
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